NameMichael AfshariFromStockholm, SwedenOccupationArtist, Engineer

My name is Mike, and I am the founder and sole artist of ‘The Art of Motorsport.’ I am honored and ecstatic to be able to share my ambitious project with you and all the amazing individuals who follow my work. Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have you on board, and I hope you’ll enjoy your stay. Thank you.

The Artist

I love cars – It’s fair to say that I could probably end it with that and it alone would have enough of an impact to resonate with so many of you who have followed my work over the years, as I’m sure most of you feel the same way. The role cars have played in my life are certainly no more different than the substantial influence it has had on so many others. Like all things man-made, they are an extension of us; a manifestation of our feelings, emotions, ingenuity, our acquired wisdom and love for artistic expression all put on display through the fabric of hardened steel and weaves of carbon fiber.

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”

– Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, ‘Memories, Dreams, Reflections‘ (1957)

If it is true – that cars have the ability to convey such a rich gallery of expression, then Motorsport is the amalgamation of the triumphs of the human spirit operating at the peak of its potential, as it pushes each and every single one of those mediums past what was theoretically possible, into new territories across the various domains of human culture and experience. It is within this transcendence where my love for automobiles is inhabited, where the journey from great to greatness is ultimately attained through the collective achievements of individuals all working together to reach a greater purpose. That is the Art within Motorsport that I try to encapsulate and put on display; it is my way of paying tribute to not only the things that I love, but to celebrate that love in its own right.

My current projects – include this very site and the many features that have yet to be announced. With some work, and lots of perseverance, I hope to ingest my life experiences through this medium and allow others to join along with me throughout the journey, where ever it may lead. There’s a lot more to come and I am as excited as ever to bring it all into fruition. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me – I hope to learn more about all of you as time goes on.